Monday, February 28, 2011

hardCORE 5K, 10K & 15K

This is the 2nd race in the Carolina Trail Race (CTR) series and the 2nd year this particular race has been run.  My intent was to run a 15K, but it was a little confusing when you signed up whether I'd be running 2 races - a 5K AND a 10K - or just one race.  It turns out it was 2 races.  Also, the time from the 5K and 10K are not combined for ranking purposes, so there really is no 15K.

I was probably the 1st runner to the race site at North Mecklenburg Park, arriving at 7:00 a.m.  My training schedule had me running 8 miles before the 15K, then the 15K, and then a 2 mile cooldown.  I altered that a little and ran the 5K loop twice, then the 5K and 10K races, then 1 more 5K loop to wind things down.  I had never run on these trails before, so that turned out to be a good plan.  The trail was in good shape and fairly easy, as trails go.  Lots of roots on the first third of the course, some moguls, no rocks to speak of, lots of turns, and a dry creek crossing (too bad, I like creek crossings).  I wore my Montrail CD's, rather than my Scott Aztec II's, because I didn't know if the trail would wet.

It was a cool 37 degrees at the start.  I finished my two 5K loops about 35 minutes before the 5K started.  Since I got there so early, I had primo parking and warmed up in my car until the last possible moment.  At the start line, I found my fellow One2Tri Racing teammate, Keith Mrochek, who was fresh off of a sub-3:00 marathon at Myrtle Beach.  One fast cat.  He jogged the 5K with me - a jog for him, about 80% effort for me - and we talked the entire way.  This race is a little funky: other than 1 CTR bonus point for running the 5K, there really is no incentive to run the 1st 5K fast; you're better off saving yourself for the 10K.  We both came in right around 28 minutes (according to most, the course was a little longer than 3.1 miles).  Then we had to wait 30 minutes for the 10K to start.  It was turning into a very choppy training run for me.

At 10:00 am, we toed the line for the 10K.  Keith was off and I never saw him again until the finish line (he was 4th overall and 1st in his AG.  Did I mention he's fast?)  I ran the 1st mile or so with another friend of mine Cameron Green, who was "only" running the 10K.  I say only because she had just done and hour or so of CrossFit.  She's a CrossFit demon.  I went fairly hard during the 10K, but not 100%.  I came in 3rd in my AG, missing 2nd by 24 seconds.  The 3 people in my AG who finished ahead of me in the 5K did not race the 10K.  See - not really a 15K, as advertised.

I then got a great 10 minute stretch/massage before doing one more loop for a cooldown, for a total of about 19.25 miles.  I went to pick up the AG medals for Keith and me, but the RD said they were short and had run out.  She gave me a $20 gift certificate to a local restaurant instead, so I had a great lunch.  I'll take a free lunch over a medal any day!

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